Monday 31 May 2010

Poker Player Twitter Names

Found this link to feature in our ever growing list of outbound-only links today... a detailed list of poker pro names on Twitter.

We do not yet have a twitter feed for this blog, though I do have a personal one and enjoy occasionally dipping my proverbial toes in the stream of spam, nonsense and the occasional great link... funny how many young ladies follow me and spontaneously offer those 'extra' pics of themselves!!

Anyway, todays link is to a blog called aintluck - which is worth having in your bookmarks - this list is divided up into categories depending on where the pros play. We can not guarantee that you'll be followed back - though this could be a great opportunity to get their streams sorted in time for the World Series of Poker - where tweeting is apparently fully allowed at the tables this year!

Poker Pro Twitter List

Maybe you know a bigger and better one? If so then drop us a comment!

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