Monday, 24 May 2010

Lee Jones On Game Selection

Here is an article that I would categorize as a 'must read', it is by Lee Jones, not only a great poker player (invented the SAGE system you know!)... but an industry leader too, having been the cardroom manager for Pokerstars before joining Cardrunners for a while and now having some kind of Senior position at Cake Poker.

Of course you know - logically speaking - that there are a lot of poker players worse than you, and also a lot who are better than you. Of course you know -logically speaking - that even in the games you play there will be better and worse players... yet many people practice zero game selection, even though this might only take a few minutes before you sit down... and even more importantly, even though you know (logically speaking!) that this could improve your average win rate significantly.

So Lee spells it out for us, game selection is a key area, no need to try convincing yourself that those 7 seconds spent scanning for tables with big pots before sitting down is enough either... we know that you know thats not enough!

Here is the link:

Lee Jones On Game Selection

By the way... you are always welcome to suggest links!

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